
Friday, 10 August 2018

math through the weeks


  1. love it chek out my blog and remember to put more work in

  2. thanks ill do so

  3. Hey Seane
    i really like how we did this and great work on your slide

  4. hey lucinda thanks for your comment hope you come again soon 😃

  5. Hi seane
    I think your maths is very good ,
    But maybe next time you could take the blank pages out on the slide.
    Thanks Emma

  6. Hi Seane,
    I love that photo of the whale with the glasses, it made me laugh. I also liked how you explained the diffrent maths activitys you did each week. This reminds me of Maths Week. Basicly, we just made a small house. I made it with my friends Nikita and Mia. It was a lot of fun. Next time, you should add more info in slide 3. Also, make your slides a bit shorter. How long did it take to make this?

    From Mika (Me Ka I'm a girl)
    Yaldhurst Model School

  7. Hi Seane
    I really liked your maths
    I remember when I posted my maths
    Next time you could put your vocabulary in a table
    By Armika

  8. thanks everyone for your comment i really appreciate it
